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Nutritional Counseling in Northwest Calgary

SupplementsTo maintain the strength and vitality of your body, you need good nutrition habits that last a lifetime. Individual counseling and nutrition programs are available for all states and stages of life and range from weight management and sports nutrition to chronic conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Dr. Schmolke has completed over 500 hours of continuing education in the field of nutrition. He is an expert in nutritional coaching and using nutrition to mitigate the effects of chronic disease, as well as using nutrition for peak performance for the average person, as well as for
elite athletes.

Why Supplements?

Our lives are busier now than we could have ever imagined 20 or 30 years ago. As a result it is becoming more difficult to meet our nutritional needs. Without the optimum building blocks, our body’s restorative qualities suffer, and our health declines prematurely. Research has demonstrated that nutritional supplements can help us. Supplements do not replace whole, real foods. Instead, they isolate components of whole-natural foods that evoke positive responses in our bodies. The supplements carried at Beacon Hill Chiropractic and Massage have been selected by merits of their quality, purity, and value to our clients and practice members. The manufacturing companies pride themselves on guaranteed quality and purity.

To see our wide array of supplements, please feel free to stop by our office.

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Want to learn more about our wellness supplements? Contact us today!
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Nutrition NW Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane AB | (403) 516-1141